The Day of The Black Sun
It just 3 days before the New Year. Thanks God I still can pass 2007 with honorable moments I'll never forget.
Well, I've been on vacation last week so I almost forget what to write about. That's why this will be the special holiday report.
The day of the black sun, just like the title of Avatar, believe it or not, in my college hometown, there had been an error on the weather. I call it "The Day of The Black Sun".
If you live in Indonesia or East Java especially in Surabaya and Lamongan, you may consider that most of us don't see any sunshine since 5 days ago. The sky is soo cloudy than I had ever expect in 3.5 years since I live in here. No sunlight, it's rainy day, cloudy sky, and I can't go out hanging around. It's soo windy. And the worst is, there have been disaster in East Java city like Tulungagung, Kediri, Trenggalek, etc. Can you imagine living in such a place like that?
But thanks God, the weather is getting good along this time. I hope this will be over soon.
Well, that can be a warning for us, human being to keep our earth save.
Anyway, let begins our new year with new hope