New World Climates
Save Our Earth,
Geographers have projected temperature increases due to greenhouse gas emissions to reach a not-so-chilling conclusion: climate zones will shift and some climates will disappear completely by 2100. Tropical highlands and polar regions may be the first to disappear, and large swaths of the tropics and subtropics will reach even hotter temperatures. The study anticipates large climate changes worldwide. That's mean we only have as much as 100 years to fix this problem, global warming could change our current world climate zones, which would affect where crops are grown and even drive some plant and animal species to extinction, all in the next 100 years. Imagine the world like that. Do you want this happen to your family?
We all can make a difference. Even if it just a little thing that we do, just save our earth. Let's campaign this theme to our loved ones, our family, our society, and our world.
Save Our Earth.
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