Bali Climate Summit 2007 (2)

Indonesia has planted millions of trees to soak up an estimated 50 000 tons of greenhouse gases to be emitted during United Nations-led climate talks in Bali.
The government of Indonesia is dedicating the carbon stock of the trees to offset the emissions produced by the UN meeting
More than 10 000 politicians, officials, activists and journalists are expected to attend the December 3-14 talks on the tropical resort island. Delegates will discuss ways to widen a UN-led fight against global warming to all nations.
Anyway I hope that million of trees will be plant outside Bali too and of course to all places in the world. Not only during this meeting, but also after the meeting finish too.
The oxygen we get from the trees can neutralized the climate change effect.
The good news is, some countries are already on the road to becoming climate neutral, with Norway aiming for 2050, Costa Rica planning to be climate neutral by 2021, its 200th anniversary of independence, and New Zealand on 2025.
Your country next?
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